Sam YatesAdministrator
Looking back on the common threads that weave throughout my vocation, I find leadership in service of hospitality and empowerment. The breadth of my work experience encompasses both profit and nonprofit industries, but each part finds its drive in these themes. This has taken the shapes of leading teams of volunteers to serve hundreds who are hungry on the streets of San Francisco, listening closely with individuals and groups for what brings them alive in spiritual direction, and coaching teams to see beyond their own limiting beliefs and accomplishing goals that once seemed impossible. At ABLE, I am challenged to utilize all that I have learned as a leader and a teacher in the service of a truly worthy cause: creating a place of welcome for a community, who like the rest of us, cannot do it alone. In this humble space, if we all contribute our very best, we may be graced to witness and experience thriving.
LaVerne PragerBoard of Directors
My initial exposure to the developmentally disabled population began in 1961. A recent graduate of the Michigan School of Social Work, I secured my first job as a medical social worker at the University Hospital. I knew little about the disability but was fortunate to train under the nationally known pediatric neurologist Richard Allen in the Clinic for Brain Damaged Children. Despite my naiveté, what I learned prepared me for a lifetime of caring for the DD population. My 3rd child was born with Cerebral Palsy complete with intractable epilepsy and profound mental disability. In caring for her, I learned physical therapy volunteering at a program for similarly disabled children, helped to found a school for disabled children in Beirut Lebanon under the auspices of UNESCO, and in later years, assisted with the daily duties of running a house for developmentally disabled adults. Early on, a NY Hospital pediatric neurologist advised that the more you do to normalize the life of your child, the easier her journey will be. My goal at ABLE is to facilitate the continued search for a truly Broader Living Experience for the residents of ABLE.
Dan KramerPresident, Board of Directors
I joined the ABLE Board in the hopes that my experience of having served or currently serving on four different boards in a variety of capacities could help ABLE move forward. It has proven to be a wonderful way not only to step away from my current responsibilities as the Director of the Fulbright U.S. Student but -- more importantly -- to have spent more time with my sister-in-law for whom ABLE House was home.
Steve HershfieldVice President, Board of Directors
I am serving on the ABLE Board as my way to give back to the community. I am so happy that I am allowed to help Elena (my sister-in-law) and the other residents in their current and future lives. I have been blessed in my life to know and to help the residents of ABLE.
Norma YukichBoard of Directors
As Beth's big sister, I have been her advocate since she was born in 1965. She inspired my long career with people who have developmental disabilities, including as a special education teacher, vocational instructor, recreational specialist, and residential service provider. When Beth's care needs increased, we were so grateful that she found a placement at ABLE. I joined the ABLE board of directors to help support this essential program.